For each critique session, a qualified judge is appointed by a club officer.

Judges discuss and evaluate the entered image in front of the group so members can learn from the comments.  Beginning with our January 2018 meeting, scores will no longer be given to images.  All images entered will be posted on the club website.

Comments (1)

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I submitted two photos to be critiqued for the October meeting, The juge made some suggestions and I thought I would try them out. I was wondering if I could send the photos with the changes suggested to the judges and get some more feedback. I...

I submitted two photos to be critiqued for the October meeting, The juge made some suggestions and I thought I would try them out. I was wondering if I could send the photos with the changes suggested to the judges and get some more feedback. I realize the judges may not have the time and I am ok if that is the case. I would need their email address.

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